Private Practice Consultation

As you build your therapy practice, growing pains are inevitable. For sole practitioners, business ownership can be inspiring and heartening at times, then isolative and overwhelming at others.

Investing in private practice consultation offers the opportunity for you to reflect, question, and develop a strategic plan to actualize your unique vision for your practice in a confidential, encouraging setting. I am deeply committed to supporting you in building your most fulfilling, sustainable, and meaningful professional life. With over 20 years as a therapist, 10 of which have been spent building a private practice across multiple states, I understand the logistical and emotional aspects of private practice. Consultation packages are customized to your particular wants, needs, and goals, as both a therapist and a business owner.

Some common topics for private practice consultation include:

  • Highs and lows of growing your business

  • Adapting your private practice for life transitions (i.e. moving, grief and loss, health concerns, child and elder care)

  • Navigating imposter syndrome and anxiety as a business owner

  • Ethical marketing practices

  • Managing and mitigating burnout

  • Nuances of insurance based and/or private pay practice

  • Clinical practice/licensure in multiple states

  • How to diversify your practice (writing, clinical supervision, presentations, etc.)

  • Better understanding your relationship with money

Due to the specialized nature of private practice consultation, I work with a limited number of therapists per year in this capacity. Therapy consultations are offered via a secure teleconference platform or in person if you are located near, or willing to travel to, Boston.


Private practice consultation is right for you if….

  • You have the time and the resources to devote to meeting twice weekly for a four week period.

  • You would like both support and accountability in taking forward action.

  • You know intellectually what you need to do to take your practice to the next level, but find yourself delaying or avoiding taking action steps

  • You have a pattern of taking “one more course” rather than face discomfort related to change

  • .You are open to feedback, receptive to new ideas, and willing to grow


How It Works

Private practice consultation involves a four week commitment. We meet for a 50 minute consultation on Monday or Tuesday of each week, followed by a 25 minute check-in on Thursday to follow up on goals/intentions set for that particular week. Meeting twice weekly offers both accountability and the opportunity to solve for any challenges that may arise in meeting your weekly goals.

To start the process, please complete the form at the bottom of this page. I will reach out to you to schedule a time to speak by phone to discuss what you would like to focus on. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and we both will determine if we are a fit for one another. After speaking, if you decide to move forward with scheduling a consultation package, I will send you a detailed contract for your review and signature.


4 Week Private Practice Consultation Package: $1500 paid at the time contract is signed


Let’s Get Started!

Please complete the form below. I’ll contact you within 1-2 business days to schedule a time to speak by phone to start the process. Looking forward to hearing from you!