Anxiety & Stress


Everyone feels anxiety and stress throughout their life. When you are feeling anxious or stressed, your mind is doing what it is supposed to do - keep you alert and protected. Anxiety and stress are helpful emotions that can help us notice danger or threat, keep us safe, and help us adapt to the environment. Stress can also motivate you to get something done or follow through on something important.

If stress and anxiety become severe, overwhelming, chronic, or disproportionate to the situation, it can interfere with your job, family life, social life, and health. This is when the adaptive nature of stress and anxiety becomes problematic. In other words, it stops serving you, gets in the way of your daily life, and has you feeling like you can’t get control over how you feel. When anxiety and stress keep you from living a full life, it’s important to get help.

There are many types of anxiety, and each type may be treated in different ways.

I work best with people experiencing generalized anxiety and stressor-related anxiety. Generalized anxiety is when you have fear, worry, and/or anxiety over events (like going to the doctor), activities (like driving, flying, or public speaking), and potential negative outcomes (like someone may get angry with you). The anxiety and worry may cause significant distress or interfere with your daily life.

Stressor-related anxiety is related to the experience of trauma (like an unexpected death of a loved one or a car accident) or stressor (like divorce, getting a medical diagnosis, moving to a new city).

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Therapy Can Help You to…

  • Fully engage in life, even if you feel anxious or stressed

  • Take better care of yourself so that you’re not running on empty all the time

  • Cope effectively with unexpected changes and life-disrupting events

  • Have realistic expectations for what you can do and who you can be

  • Let go of perfectionism and control

  • See situations for what they are, not what your mind has made them out to be

  • Feel okay with not controlling things or analyzing every potential outcome

  • Take responsibility for your happiness and your choices

  • Improve physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, stomach problems, insomnia


Let’s Work Together